Newsletter – April 2000

How about a Web Site?

I am in the process of creating the layout for a web site for the Hyrum and Martha Smith family organization. I would like suggestions and monetary contributions to help with this project. If we have some computer experts in the family that will take on the task of actually building the site, please let me know. Otherwise I will hire it done. Think of the convenience this will give us. Each of the eight children of Hyrum & Martha can have a “page,” and a complete list of names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses can be maintained and updated regularly.

Dwayne Vance is creating a legal entity for the family organization and by July it should be in place to take ownership and control of the web site.

Please contact me to assist: Gary Smith, 10791 Harrogate Place, Santa Ana, CA 92705; (714) 838-6158; My email address will soon change to

Thanks for your help and interest.